In the News

January 2024: “Bolder than Webb?”
Former and longest-serving NASA Administrator Dan Goldin’s OpEd in Aerospace America makes a strong statement on the importance of inspiring, bold visions for next-generation NASA missions. Goldin highlights Nautilus as one of the examples of bold, transformationally projects NASA should study.
Read the OpEd here.

Watch the rendering of the Nautilus Space Observatory launch and deployment full video on YouTube!

Aug 2023: Watch this long-form, in-depth interview of Daniel Apai by Fraser Cain on the Nautilus Space Observatory concept:

July 2023: Read our article on The Conversation A new, thin-lensed telescope design could far surpass James Webb – goodbye mirrors, hello diffractive lenses

David Kipping’s excellent discussion on Cool Worlds on how Starship will change astronomy prominently features Nautilus Space Observatory.

Excellent coverage of Nautilus on KOLD13 News!
Researchers at the University of Arizona building telescope to see if there’s life on other planets

The 80th anniversary special issue of Sky & Telescope on the “Future of Astronomy” prominently features the Nautilus Space Observatory in a 2-page in-depth report:

The Nautilus Space Observatory was prominently featured in Sky & Telescope’s “Future of Astronomy” issue in November 2021.

The Nautilus Space Observatory has been featured widely in media outlets:

Optics & Photonics News: A Different Kind of Eye on the Cosmos by Stewart Wills

Science Daily: A new lens for life-searching space telescopes

Astrobiology News: A Thousand Earths: A Very Large Aperture, Ultralight Space Telescope Array for Atmospheric Biosignature Surveys